quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009

Obama has firepower to face GOP Jihad

Poll: With 69 Percent Approval, Obama Has Political Firepower
Steven Thomma, McClatchy Newspapers: "Nearly seven in ten Americans approve of the way President Barack Obama is doing his job, giving him enormous political capital as he pushes Congress to give him unprecedented tools to fight economic crisis, according to a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll. Obama outpolls Congress by more than 30 points, and he also can point to an uptick in the number of people who think the country's headed in the right direction even as a majority thinks the worst is yet to come in the economy. The survey found that 69 percent of Americans approve of Obama's performance - with a robust 38 percent 'strongly' approving."

Robert Parry | The GOP's Jihad on Obama
Robert Parry, Consortium News: "The Republicans and their right-wing media allies are doing whatever they can to strangle the Obama phenomenon in its cradle; the mainstream media pundits are stressing the negative so they don't get called 'in the tank for Obama'; and the Democrats are shying away from holding the Bush-Cheney administration accountable for its crimes. None of these developments is particularly surprising. Indeed, they track closely to the political-media pattern that took shape the last time a young Democrat won the White House, when Bill Clinton became President in 1993."

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